🍗Chicken Stroganoff. Chicken Stroganoff is everything you know and love about Beef Stroganoff, made with chicken! Seared golden chicken smothered in a sour cream mushroom gravy. Homemade Chicken Stroganoff - this stuff is so delicious and is a recipe perfect for dinner any That's where this chicken stroganoff comes in. Reviews for: Photos of Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff. Chicken Stroganoff from Delish.com is a beef-free take on the classic.
We recently discovered our love of the old-school classic beef stroganoff.
It's creamy, hearty, and DELICIOUS over a bed of egg.
An easy chicken stroganoff recipe that's on the table in less than half an hour.
Anda boleh buat 🍗Chicken Stroganoff menggunakan 17 bahan dan 10 langkah. Inilah caranya untuk melakukannya 🍗Chicken Stroganoff itu baik .
Bahan-bahan 🍗Chicken Stroganoff
- Sediakan 🍗AYAM.
- Anda mesti 600 g (4-5 kpg) chicken thighs, dibuang tulang (atau dada ayam dipotong nipis).
- Untuk menyediakan 1 sdk garlic powder (serbuk bwg putih) /atau 1 sdk bwg putih yg diparut halus.
- Sediakan Garam & lada hitam.
- Anda mesti 1 sdm myk zaitun.
- Untuk menyediakan 🍄KUAH/SOS:.
- Anda mesti 1 bj bwg besar didadu halus.
- Anda mesti 300 g button mushrooms, dihiris tidak terlalu nipis.
- Anda mesti 40 g / 3 sdm butter.
- Sediakan 2 sdm tpg jagung.
- Sediakan 2 cups / 500 ml air rebusan daging (akk guna 2 cup air + 1 kiub ayam korg guna la kiub daging).
- Anda mesti 1 sdm Dijon mustard / mayonis.
- Anda mesti 2/3 cup (150g) sour cream / yogurt.
- Anda mesti Garam & lada hitam secukupnya.
- Anda mesti 🍝PELENGKAP:.
- Sediakan 250-300 g spageti/ pasta / egg noodles.
- Untuk menyediakan Daun parsley dihiris sebagai hiasan (optional).
Serve with rice, pasta or mashed potatoes. Chicken Stroganoff - everything you love in a Beef Stroganoff except that it's made with juicy tender seared boneless chicken thigh strips bathed in a creamy mushroom sour cream sauce. Cheecken Stroganoff does NOT mess around. My readers seemed to really dig on this lighter version, so I brought it over here so that you could do.
Langkah demi langkah Untuk memasak 🍗Chicken Stroganoff
- Gaulkan ayam bersama garlic powder, garam & lada hitam.
- Panaskan myk zaitun didlm non stick pan dgn api sederhana. Masukkan ayam dgn bhg kulit dahulu.
- Tekan2 sedikit dgn spatula. Masak selama 4min atau hingga keperangan. Terbalikkn ayam & masak lg selama 2 min. Angkat & ketepikan.
- Didlm kuali yg sama cairkan butter. Masukkn bawang besar & masak selama 1min, kemudian masukkan cendawan.
- Masak hingga cendawan layu. Baru masukkan tepung jagung kacau sebati selama 1min.
- Masukkn separuh air rebusan daging semasa mengacau. Bila elok sebati, masukkn lagi baki air rebusan daging.
- Kacau lagi & masukkn sour cream/yogurt & mustard/mayonis. Kacau hingga elok sebati. Sour cream/yogurt & mustard/mayonis akan menjadi ejen pemekat kuah ni.
- Biarkan merenih, selepas kuah nampak pekat balancekan rasa dgn garam & lada hitam.
- Masukkan ayam bersama jus yg ada. Renihkn hingga ayam lembut & alihkan dari dapur.
- Hidangkan bersama pasta dan hiaskan dgn daun parsley😉.
Homemade Chicken Stroganoff is your favorite Beef Stroganoff turned into a budget friendly weeknight meal BUT tastes decadent enough for special occasions (I'm looking at you Valentine's Day). Stroganoff is one of those foods that have transcended geographic and culinary boundaries, like spaghetti with meat sauce or fish and chips, it's become a dish that's enjoyed around the world. Our lightened-up take on the comfort-food classic, this chicken stroganoff recipe is more versatile than you might think. Cut the chicken breasts into long strips. Melt the butter in a pan, add mushrooms and onions and sauté for five minutes.