Famous amos cookies #phopbylinimohd. Treat yourself to a cookie break with Famous Amos® cookies. Bite Size, crunchy and packed with rich chocolate, they are perfect for dunking in a glass of milk or all by themselves. Treat yourself to a cookie break with Famous Amos® cookies. Bite Size, crunchy and packed with rich chocolate, they are perfect for dunking in a glass of milk or all by themselves. The Famous Amos cookie brand has gone through four package designs.
The original package consisted of a round, tin metal box, similar to the blue packages of a European brand of cookies, except that Famous Amos's package was white, and with a photo of what seemed to be a large chocolate chip cookie spinning on Wally Amos's finger.
Our premium hampers are available throughout the year inclusive of festive hampers too.
The Original Famous Amos® freshly baked cookie.
Anda boleh buat Famous amos cookies
#phopbylinimohd menggunakan 11 bahan dan 6 langkah. Inilah caranya untuk melakukannya Famous amos cookies
#phopbylinimohd itu benar .
Bahan-bahan Famous amos cookies #phopbylinimohd
- Untuk menyediakan 250 g butter anchor salted.
- Sediakan 150 g gula kastor.
- Untuk menyediakan 1 sdk esen vanila.
- Sediakan 1 bj telur.
- Sediakan 280 g gandum.
- Sediakan 100 g kekacang.
- Untuk menyediakan 100 g coklat chip.
- Sediakan 10 g serbuk koko.
- Sediakan 2 sdb susu tepung.
- Anda mesti 2 sdb tepung jagung.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdk soda bikabonat.
Available in a variety of sizes and packed for your convenience, in either gift boxes or on-the-go packs. These Famous Amos Copycat Chocolate Chip Cookies are perfect for after lunch, or anytime! In college, I took night classes. For some reason computer science classes were required for a math major (um, I hate computers, thankyouverymuch) and most of the computer science classes were at night.
Langkah Lakukan Famous amos cookies #phopbylinimohd
- Satukan butter dan gula kastor.mix hingga sebati.masukkan telur.Mix sekejap.masukkan esen vanila(butter y digunakan).
- Kemudian masukkan tepung jagung,soda bikabonat dan susu tepung.dalam bekas lain ayak koko dan tepung gandum..
- Kemudian guna senduk kayu @ spatula masukkan gandum dan koko tadi.Kaup balik..
- Masukkan coklat chip dan kekacang.
- Ambikkan adunan masukkan dalam piping bag dan paip kecik2,atau ambik sedikit adunan gentel bulat2.Bakar api 160c selama 22 minit.Siap.
- ..
Made with premium Ambrosia chocolate chip cookies in a secret, original recipe, their unique flavor cannot be easily replicated. Kellogg's® now owns the brand and distributes them throughout the world because of their immense popularity. Baked with care and made with delicious ingredients like real semi-sweet chocolate, these diminutive cookies are ideal for sweet dessert snacking any time of the day. These chocolate chip cookies with more butter smell and taste a lot like the crispy Famous Amos cookies but if you are extra extra extra critical like us, you will taste that they are also a little chewy in the middle and they tend to spread a little more than the real Famous Amos cookies. My son is even a bigger fan of famous amos cookies.